Clean Inside fiber is a dietary fiber blend of the kind that the human body needs. Nowadays, most people consume a diet low in fiber. As a result, toxic deposits deposited on the walls of the intestines cannot be excreted from the body, thus preventing the complete absorption of nutrients and at the same time disturbing the balance of the intestinal microflora. By disturbing the balance of the intestinal microflora, harmful bacteria and parasites multiply, which immediately adversely affects the functioning of the most important organs and constantly weakens the immune system. Clean Inside fiber breaks down toxic deposits, helps remove them from the body and restores the balance of the intestinal microflora. In addition, the intake of sufficient dietary fiber produces positive physiological effects. The Clean Inside fiber mixture provides the adult body with the recommended daily dose of fiber, which is 12 grams of fiber. Restores proper bowel movements, eliminates indigestion and related discomfort.
Composition | The most important properties and healing effects |
Psyllium fiber

| (Psyllium) Currently the most popular fiber. The active ingredients of skorocel have extremely good effects on liver function. The use of psyllium fiber is an effective aid in diarrhea, stomach burning, anti-cough, and thanks to the effect of cleansing the blood improves the overall feeling of well-being. |
Apple fiber

| Finely dried and ground fiber, rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach and bile production, also on the intestinal tract (peristalsis, bowel cleansing, detoxification) and on the balance of the intestinal microflora. |
Fiber Aid

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| (Linum Usitatissimum) The main active ingredients in flaxseed alleviate the symptoms of intestinal, stomach and diabetes diseases. Flaxseed (Lini seeds) is watered with lukewarm water to create flaxseed mucus, which is effective for intestinal and stomach problems. After pressing the linseed oil, a residual mass remains, which has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. |
Banana powder aroma

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| Inulin is a complex carbohydrate found in many plants. Indigestible, water-soluble fiber. It has probiotic properties and a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. |
Orange powder

| (Citrus Sinensis) Orange contains flavonoids, vitamins and antioxidants. Due to the amount of its active substances, it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effects. |
Orange fiber

| Orange fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion, effectively cleanses the intestines and helps maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora. |
The flour from the core has fennel

| (Foeniculum Vulgare) Fennel is a spice and medicinal plant at the same time. In medicine, its effects are used against coughs, cramps, bloating and to improve appetite. It can also be helpful in treating some gynecological problems. |
Aloe vera

| (Aloe Vera) Biogenic stimulators found in aloe vera increase the body's resistance and ability to regenerate. Aloe plays an important role in the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers (ulcus ventriculi et duodeni), as well as colitis. Increases appetite and overall well-being. |
Kombucha powder

| Regular use of kombucha has a large number of beneficial effects. Among other things, it helps maintain the body's vitality, alkalizes the body, detoxifies the liver, speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, helps to restore connective tissue, reduces headaches, promotes digestion, facilitates constipation. According to the American Anti-Cancer Society, kombucha plays an effective role in the prevention of many diseases, including baldness, insomnia, indigestion, joint diseases, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis. |
Turmeric powder

| (Curcuma longa) This plant has been known in traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years. It is used as a stimulant of digestion, in various febrile diseases, infections, joint and liver diseases. It is also known in Chinese medicine. The Chinese used turmeric to improve blood circulation by preventing the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the possibility of thrombosis. They also used it to relieve bleeding and to treat menstrual problems. |
Reishi mushroom powder

| The common crustacean (Ganoderma lucidum) has been known and used in China for over 2,000 years. She has always been accompanied by great respect and esteem. It is used in the form of a treatment to improve health and the immune system. |
Grapefruit kernel flour

| (Citrus Paradisi) The unique composition of grapefruit seed extract has strong anti-rot effects. Several research teams have independently investigated these effects of grapefruit kernels on bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. The beneficial effect of grapefruit kernels on the organism has been proven by many laboratory tests. It is an excellent helper in the treatment of many stomach diseases. |
Ground licorice root

| (Glycyrrhiza glabra) It is recommended for the treatment of bladder diseases, kidney diseases and stomach ulcers due to its effects such as: dissolving mucus, stimulating digestion, cleansing the blood, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is an effective aid in ulcers, arthritis, herpes virus infection, inflammation and liver cirrhosis, but also excels in alleviating the symptoms of some respiratory diseases. |
Papaya fruit flour

| (Carica papaya) Consumption of papaya can bring relief to a full stomach, as the leaves, juice and fruit contain enzymes that help the digestive process. It can also be used effectively in the treatment of gastric ulcers. |

| (Pimpinella anisum) A medicinal plant that supports digestion, helps with coughing, has an excellent anti-flatulence effect and reduces flatulence. It has targeted effects in some gynecological and male genital diseases. |
Riasa Spirulina Bio

| Algae Spirulina contains a large amount of nutrients necessary for the human body. It has a significant content of beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin E and folic acid. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc and iron are present in large quantities. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, which help prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Spirulina has beneficial effects on liver function, improves the supply of oxygen to cells, has antioxidant effects and strengthens the immune system. |
Apple pectin

| Apple pectin is a water-soluble fiber. When mixed with water, it becomes gel-like. Apple pectin has beneficial effects on digestion, effectively cleanses the intestines and contributes to maintaining the balance of the intestinal microflora. It effectively lowers blood cholesterol. Research has shown that apple pectin has a beneficial effect on stomach ulcers and inflammation of the colon. Apple pectin is also an effective aid in removing toxins and heavy metals from the body. |

| (Stevia rebaudiana) Natural sweetener. It is also known for its beneficial effect on the metabolism of vegetable sugar and liver, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect and also aids digestion. It has a high content of vitamins C and A, of the mineral substances its content of zinc, iron and magnesium is significant. Stevia is also suitable for diabetics. |
Active substances
Main active substances: amino acids (phenylalanine, serine, glycine, arginine, alanine), antioxidants (quercetinglycoside, phloretinglycoside, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, iodine, selenium sodium, chlorine, copper, chromium, glucose, vanadium, iron), bioflavonoids (glycoside, hepta-mothoxiflavonide, naringin, apigenin, pininen, limonene), sugar, proteins, essential oils (trans, alpha-fenchel), inulin, omega- 3 fatty acids, pectin, prebiotics (fructoglycosaccharides), probiotics (lactobacillus, bifidobacteria), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, E), fatty oil, other active substances (anthracene, amylase, cellulase, proteases). The pleasant, delicate taste of Clean Inside fiber is provided by fructose and the natural banana aroma.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of Clean Inside fiber is ensured by its main component - psyllium , which has an extremely high ability to swell. In this way, it can bind and absorb fluids - several times its weight, which significantly increases the volume of fiber consumed in the intestinal tract. This ability of fiber helps to cleanse the intestinal tract in a considerate way, forcing the intestinal tract to move more intensely.
Thanks to its gelling ability, pectin ensures the slip of the fiber mixture, which helps to safely and painlessly remove waste materials. This makes it easier for waste products to be removed from the body and nutrients can be re-absorbed in the intestinal tract.
Instructions for use
- Always use the Clean Inside fiber mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach. If you are taking fiber as part of the Clean Inside Program , use it 15-20 minutes after taking the Parasic antiparasitic capsule.
- Drink 1 cup (approx. 2.5 dl) of still liquid after each use of the fiber mixture.
- 1-5. day: Dissolve half a measure of the fiber mixture in a glass (approx. 2.5 dl) of clean water or in fruit juice and drink as soon as possible! If you let the soaked mixture stand for too long, it will thicken quickly, so it is hard to drink, so you would have to take a new dose!
- From day 6: Increase your daily fiber intake to one scoop.
Keep in mind
- For efficient use of the product, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters (6 to 8 glasses) of clean water a day. The fiber mixture can absorb a large amount of fluids, so it is necessary to drink this amount of water!
- Ignoring the recommended amount of water can also cause constipation, which, in addition to the inconveniences associated with it, also prevents bowel cleansing.
- During the treatment, clean water must not be replaced by another liquid. Although fruit juices and teas are allowed, these do not replace the prescribed amount of pure water.
- It is very important that women do not start detoxification during pregnancy, because due to the flow of blood, a large amount of toxins would reach the fetus during development. Also in the case of breast-feeding women, these toxins would be excreted in breast milk, thus entering the body of the baby. However, this does not mean that a pregnant or breastfeeding woman should not live a healthy life. Rather, this should be the goal, but detoxification should be timed before pregnancy or after breastfeeding. Detoxification treatment is not recommended for children under 18 years of age because they would ignore the need to follow the drinking regimen needed for thorough detoxification.