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Tincture means a type of liquid supplement obtained by extracting plants and herbs obtained by extraction with a suitable solvent, most often alcohol. The tincture is made either from live plants, which are macerated immediately after harvest and has both the highest possible content of active ingredients and bioenergy of fresh herb, or it is made from dried herbs macerated in alcohol, while also containing active ingredients and beneficial to the body. The tincture is useful in plants whose active ingredients are less soluble in water, so e.g. tea will not provide such an effect as tincture. The advantage of tincture is their long life and excellent absorption.
Hemp has been used since prehistoric times and has been known in some countries for at least 3,500 years. Even then, it was widely used. Cannabis itself contains omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and a number of vitamins A, C, E, D, B1, B2, B3. Hemp is an extraordinary plant grown not only for food purposes, but it is also of great benefit to the environment and, last but not least, to our rarest bees.
Hemp tincture is made from sown hemp - variety Futura 75, the cultivation of which in Slovakia is controlled by the relevant authorities. It is a species of the cannabis family. It is used for food purposes due to its low content of narcotics (trace amounts of THC). The purpose is to extract substances from hemp that have a faster effect and help with the body's problems. In the production of tincture, dried plants are used - used leaves, flowers and seeds. This dry matter is first chopped / ground, then leached in alcohol, for example in a ratio of 1:10, i.e. 10 parts of alcohol are added to one part of the dried plant. The weighed and ground dry matter is placed in sterile bottles / containers and filled with alcohol (it can also be diluted). The alcohol must be poured at least 1 cm above the hemp dry matter. This is because if the plant is not sufficiently submerged, it can oxidize. Therefore, it is necessary to break up the dry matter sufficiently (but not to a powder) so as not to reduce the quality and settle to the bottom. To further prevent oxidation, mixing must be performed without opening the bottle (flipping). Maceration / leaching takes place for at least 14 days as with other tinctures and herbal extracts. After leaching the hemp in alcohol, it must be filtered, so that it is filtered through either a sterile gauze or a press and then the microparticles are separated using e.g. paper filter. Finally, the final product is created, pure leachate - hemp tincture.
Author: Jana Kubáňová