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Betaglucan is a natural complex polysaccharide and science has been focusing on its immunomodulatory abilities quite often in the last two decades. The results of this and other research are more than encouraging.
Among the sources that are among the richest representatives of betaglucans, we can mention cereals (oats and barley), many mushrooms, yeasts and seaweed. When examining whether the origin of betaglucan depends, it was found that the purity of the product is important, but where it comes from - grain or yeast is so important. Glucan from the yeast Sachcaromces cerevisia is very often used because it is the most natural for our body.
BetaGlucan has the ability to support the body's defense responses against bacterial and parasitic diseases.
When choosing betaglucan, it is necessary to choose the purest possible product and ideally consume it together with vitamin C and resveratrol.
The fact that betaglucan has beneficial biological effects has been known for a long time, but scientists have not begun to pay more attention to it until the middle of the 20th century.
Studies at universities such as Harvard, Tulane, Baylor or Kentucky have shown that when beta-glucan is taken daily, macrophages are optimally stimulated. As a result, it means a maximally tuned defense system.
Not only mushrooms, but also grain and yeast have been used by man since ancient times. In particular, yeast was added to the beautifying preparations. One knew about these foods, but did not know the secret of their success. Betaglucans were discovered by scientists in the early 20th century in lichen, and then in barley. It was only in the mid-1980s that oat betaglucan was shown to be able to lower blood cholesterol levels. The US Drug Administration (FDA) agreed in 1997 that a daily dose of 3 g of this betaglucan reduced the level of saturated fats in the blood and thus eliminated the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Beta-glucans were initially used as an injectable form, and oral administration has been successfully tested in recent years.
In 1960, Dr Nicholas DiLuzio of the University of Tulane, New Orleans, discovered that the substance responsible for such markedly positive effects on the immune product (Zymosan) was Beta-1,3-D-Glucan and was isolated in pure form and without negative side effects of that medicine.
In 1975, a team from Dr. Petr Mansell of the National Institute for Cancer Research found that injecting pure betaglucan into nodes with malignancies in 9 patients completely eliminated the tumor. During the amazing 5 days, only minimal remnants remained.
Beta-glucans are still being studied and many have been tested in animals, some in humans. It has been confirmed that the immunomodulatory activity of beta-glucans can affect virtually any living creature and can use it for better health.
Given these great qualities, more and more research is being done to manage cancer and other serious diseases that are difficult for medicine to combat.
Beta-glucans have a wide range of uses:
Glucans are composed of simple carbohydrates (sugars). Glucose is associated primarily with beta / 1,3 / binding, hence the name beta / 1,3 / -D glucans.
Beta-glucans are referred to as biological response modifiers. These are natural substances - polysaccharides, which appear in cell walls, seaweed, fungi (shiitake, reishi, coriolus) or, for example, yeast. The most common preparations are those containing betaglucan isolated from the bakery and brewer's yeast Sachcaromces cerevisia. These are the most natural for our body and also the most biologically active are the beta-glucans with the backbone of glucose molecules connected by a 1,3 bond and with the glucose side chain in position 1.6.
Betaglucan is also referred to as betaglucan, beta glucan, beta-glucan or beta glucan or also β-glucan.
Macrophages are among the main parts of the immune system. The human body contains billions of macrophages in tissue, organs, blood and lymph. This is actually the first line of defense of the immune response. And betaglucans are among the most common natural activators of these macrophages.
They are highly valued mainly for their immunomodulatory activity and for their anticarcinogenic action. They belong to the so-called PAMP - pathogen associated molecular patterns. The immune system recognizes them by immediately initiating an immune response.
This immunostimulatory agent acts by activating macrophages and cytotoxicity of NK cells, it can also inhibit the growth of tumors in the developmental phase.
Studies suggest that antiangiogenesis (restriction of new capillary formation) may be one of the ways in which beta-glucans can reduce tumor growth and prevent metastasis. Beta-glucan as an adjuvant to cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy has also offered to help restore hematopoiesis after bone marrow injury.
A new strategy in the treatment of cancer is immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies. [1]
Simply put, beta-glucans can improve the immune response in a way that few other substances can.
The biological activity of glucans depends on molecular structure and chaining. It is important to isolate and purify beta-glucan for a real effect on the immune system. The purer the beta-glucan, the more effective it is, the optimal purity being at least 80%.
Betaglucan and cancer
The immune system protects the body from the negative effects of the environment (infections and other diseases). However, if the cancer is aggressive, the immune response may not be strong enough to destroy all the cancer cells.
Medicine still does not manage cancer easily (although in some cases the results are promising), and treatment in the form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy is often very burdensome for the body. Beta-glucans are also used to find ways to support treatment and aftercare.
Cancer affects cells that fight infections, weakening the immune system. One option is to use biological response modifiers. It is a form of immunotherapy which, by strengthening the immune system as a result, elicits a defensive response. These modifiers also include beta-glucans.
The immunomodulatory effects of betaglucans have been tested in a variety of animals, and no species is yet known among animals to withstand the beneficial effects of these substances.
Beta-glucans have been found to slow the growth of cancer cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body. Beta-glucan treatment is still being studied in detail in animals due to its great potential.
The effect of beta-glucans on cancer is very interesting. It has been clinically proven that they prevent metastasis in several ways: cytotoxicity, where white blood cells (macrophages and NK cells - natural killers) are stimulated to stop the growth of tumors. It is NK cells that are crucial for reducing the activity of cancer cells, searching for and controlling tumors, and subsequently destroying them.
Antiangiogenesis prevents cancer cells from developing a network of blood vessels, which is necessary for tumors to grow.
In chemotherapy treatment, follow-up care with beta-glucans has been found to restore damaged bone marrow by stimulating red blood cell production.
Tumor cells and other host cells do not have a beta-glucan surface component, which may be a reason for cancer vulnerability. [1]
Lung cancer is a common cause of cancer death. The researchers studied the combination of beta-glucan with bevacizumab in human lung cancer in mouse models. In a subcutaneous tumor cell model of PC14PE6, beta-glucan in combination with the drug showed a higher effect in terms of tumor spread and long-term survival compared to bevacizumab alone. The effects were accompanied by massive complement deposition and neutrophil infiltration in tumors. However, this effect was not observed in surface-bound VEGF-negative human lung tumors. The therapeutic efficacy of betaglucan together with bevacizumab has also been demonstrated in orthotopic lung cancer. The results suggest potential therapeutic benefits for lung cancer, where the efficacy of bevacizumab increases due to the use of betaglucan and together may provide better therapeutic benefits. [2]
Beta-glucans and cholesterol
It has been found that the use of beta-glucans from yeast or barley decreases the level of total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. This was achieved in people with high cholesterol after a few weeks of treatment.
But there is also research that denies the above. The researchers believe that this difference is due to the way the product is treated with betaglucan and its purity.
Elevated levels of lipoproteins in total and low density (LDL - "bad" cholesterol) are considered to be the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The study examined oat β-glucan primarily for its discussed cholesterol lowering potential. In addition to the approved action, which was approved by the FDA, this fact was also approved in 2004 by the European Joint Health Claims Initiative (JHCI). The study was to examine whether the recent results agreed with the original conclusions of these organizations.
As a result, studies over the past 13 years have been shown to support the suggestion that daily intake of oat β-glucan (at least 3 g) may reduce total cholesterol and low plasma density lipoprotein (LDL) levels by 5 to 10% in normo -cholesterolemic or hypercholesterolemic subjects. Studies have shown that oat consumption is associated with an average of 5% and 7% reductions in total LDL cholesterol. Significant scientific agreement continues to support the relationship between β-glucan levels and blood cholesterol levels, with recent data consistent with previous FDA and JHCI findings. [3]
Influence of betaglucans on diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood glucose levels. It is accompanied by manifestations such as thirst, more frequent urination and weight loss. The cause is improper insulin supply, reduced transport of glucose from the blood to muscle and fat cells. The risk lies mainly in the development of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, increased lipids. The results show that beta-glucans eliminate these factors. In addition, they promote wound healing and have an effect on coronary heart disease. It is important to further investigate these relationships and use pure beta-glucan.
One study suggests that beta-glucan could open up new avenues for the treatment of diabetes. Unfortunately, pure beta-glucan was not used, so it is not known what effect the other ingredients had. The nature of the structure is important for antidiabetic effects. Further studies will be needed to elucidate the effect of beta-glucan on the PI3K / Akt signaling pathway in diabetes. [4]
The review looked at studies that looked at the effect of betaglucans on diabetes mellitus. The results show that doses of about 6.0 g / person / day for at least 4 weeks were sufficient to induce better blood glucose and lipid levels. This state was also achieved due to other factors. Metabolic benefits have been reported in a study with low doses of betaglucan for at least 12 weeks. [5]
Because diabetes, especially type 2, is a civilization problem, it pays to take advantage of the potential offered by the new possibilities. And beta-glucans could be among them. Betaglucan lowers glucose levels in diabetic patients. Better results depended on a longer period of time.
High blood pressure
Beta-glucans appear to lower blood pressure in some people with a higher body mass index.
Randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical study - 97 men and women with resting pressure, systolic blood pressure 130-179 mm Hg and / or diastolic blood pressure 85-109 mm Hg, consumed oatmeal with betaglucan or control for 12 weeks grocery store. No significant differences in oxidative stress were observed during treatment, and the results also suggest beneficial effects of oat betaglucan foods on carbohydrate metabolism and blood pressure in obese subjects. [6]
Antioxidant effect of beta-glucans
Not only the common environmental influences, but also diseases cause oxidative stress. Especially when cancer and tumors occur, there is a lot of free radical damage. Even in this case, beta-glucans act with their strong antioxidant power.
Effect of beta-glucan on bone marrow
New cells of the immune system form constantly in the bone marrow. However, if the body is in poor condition, this supply is not enough and the disease will start to increase.
Antibiotics can be a solution, but they have their negatives. Betaglucan, which benefits the bone marrow, can also help. This is because beta-glucan enables the accelerated production of defense cells, which are much more active and, in addition, destroy non-functional or damaged cells and dangerous pathogens.
The body is then much more resistant to various types of diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and also accelerates the production of white and red blood cells. In addition, it strengthens the body against all types of radiation.
Effects of betaglucans on the skin
Betaglucan benefits the skin with respect to its antioxidant properties. It slows down aging, increases skin elasticity and also acts on better skin hydration. It protects the skin from the effects of radiation and helps with burns.
Beta-glucans are probably safe for most adults, no adverse effects have been identified. On the contrary, they are more beneficial with long-term use and it is not possible to get used to them.
Beta-glucans for children
The side effects of betaglucans are unknown. Studies have also been published examining the effects of betaglucan supplements on children with respiratory diseases and showing a strong effect on the consumption of these polysaccharides.
Because beta-glucans cannot be overdosed, there is no upper limit. Opinions differ on the recommended dose.
It can be, for example, 400 mg of betaglucan (ie one capsule a day), in case of health problems - 3 capsules.
Betaglucan is used to promote health, especially because of its effects on the immune system. Betaglucan benefits by acting on cancer cells, but also on the consequences of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Taking a dietary supplement helps to reduce high cholesterol levels and has an anti-infective effect.
The main consideration when choosing should definitely be the purity of glucose, ideally at least 80%. The best results are achieved by the binding of the beta-glucan molecule - 1,3-D / 1,6. These polysaccharides also appear to be beneficial from oats and barley, but the most common extract is from brewer's or baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). It is stated that these should show the greatest biological activity.
It is important that food supplements have a certificate from which you can be convinced of the quality of the product. For better effectiveness, it is suitable when betaglucan is supplemented with vitamin C and resveratrol.