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Cordyceps Sinensis - Chinese caterpillar as an energy charger? Yes, this is how we could certainly characterize this fungus from the high altitudes of the Himalayas. It was her origins that gave her the strength to stimulate human resilience and immunity. Cordyceps is universally beneficial to the body with respect to its active ingredients. It gives it resistance to bacteria, viruses, parasites and even stress.
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is a pocket-like spore-eating edible parasitic fungus. You can also find it under other names, such as caterpillar mushroom (English), Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Dong Chong Xia Cao (winter caterpillar, summer grass), Chinese caterpillar. It belongs to the genus Cordyceps (an estimated 700 species are known), among which we find, for example, C. militaris, C. gunnii, C. liangshamensis.
The fungal spores are trapped on the surface of the butterfly caterpillar (Thitarodes armoriacanus), thus infecting the fungus and burying it in the soil to continue in the next stage of development. However, the parasitic fungus gradually absorbs it. Within up to 6 years, Cordyceps fills the entire chitin box with scleronium, creating the basis for a mature mushroom. In the summer months of the last year, the fungus completely kills the caterpillar by means of mycotoxins, and a stromal formation erupts from its head. The trees are about 8-10 cm in size and stand out in reddish brown. This is where spores form, which are released again into the environment to infect other butterfly larvae.
At an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level, especially on the plateaus of the Chinese provinces of Sichuan or Yunnan in Tibet, the conditions are ideal for Cordyceps. It has thus become very rare in the wild. Over the last quarter century, the incidence has decreased by 90%. Therefore, it is often grown artificially. The mushroom is harvested from April to August. It is very difficult to find in the wild. If you want to get this rarity, you should know that for 4 pieces, the price is about 100 USD, and 1 piece weighs only about 0.5 grams. The demand is huge, so other fungi of the genus Cordyceps, such as militaris, are also considered to be Cordyceps sinensis (CS) on the market. It is worth noting that although they have very similar effects, they still cannot replace the Chinese caterpillar. In artificial production, the so-called Cordyceps mycelium strain is considered to be the so-called CS-4 (paecilomyces hepialy). This strain was identified in 2001 by DNA sequencing. It is grown artificially on a substrate. Soy was first used, in view of the dangers: whether the use of genetically modified soy or allergies to soy, or concerns about breast cancer, rice became a substrate.
Cordyceps has been tested for centuries, when it was widely used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. From old stories it is possible to find out how the effects of Cordyceps were discovered by grazing herds of yaks. These animals, which, in addition to the grass, also had this excellent mushroom, were then stronger, healthier, had more potency and a lot of vitality. It was these findings that were so important to the shepherds that they began to consume it themselves. In historical records, these fungi appear as early as around 620 AD and are not missing in Chinese herbariums. The Western world was a little behind in this respect, and the "discovery" of Cordyceps was awaited until 1726. Its presentation to experts took place at a mycological conference in Paris. The fungus was conducted in mycological atlases, but without mentioning its effects. These were not discovered until 2 centuries later. In 1964, Cordyceps was included among medicinal plants in current Chinese pharmacology.
It happens that someone strives for a healthy lifestyle and is still ill. The other lives unhealthy and his health serves him completely reliably for a long time. The cause may be the essence of what our ancestral gifts are. The essence can be characterized as the basic force of human life. The essence disappears with childbirth (in the case of women), in men it is sex. Also, too much effort at work, the so-called "life at full throttle", little sleep and an unsuitable diet are not the right essence. But feelings of dissatisfaction and mood swings do not help either. It is similar with long-term illnesses or with excessive consumption of alcohol and addictive substances. This essence is very difficult to recover. Cordyceps is one of the few foods and products that has this ability. This healing sponge supports the kidneys - yang and essence. Cordyceps has also been shown to have low thyroid function associated with impaired yang. Then it can be combined with Coriol or Reishi. Thus, according to traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps has a positive significance for renal yang, to which it gives strength. This is an advantage especially when there is exhaustion, fatigue, but also chills. His positives have manifested even in burnout syndrome. Because it strengthens the kidneys, the power of this fungus is used in cases of various sexual problems (impotence, low libido, low sperm quality) or infertility. Cordyceps is also recommended for kidney problems according to the Western approach - we can mention, for example, inflammation of the kidneys or kidney failure. This fungus can also benefit other parts of the urinary system, especially in inflammation of the bladder. Co-administration with Coriol has often been shown in these cases. But care must be taken to use this combination only in the meantime! If it is an acute condition (inflammation), then only the dose of Coriol is increased. Urinary tract care in this case is also possible with the help of urological tea. Antibiotics only when necessary. Cordyceps is important in overweight, where according to traditional Chinese medicine, pathological fluids settle. When a person is cold-blooded and the spleen is weakened, he can thrive on fluids. Cordyceps is more suitable for severe exhaustion, where sleep disorders occur. It is usually used together with jujube and Reishi. However, it is not used for insomnia problems. Because Cordyceps improves the immune system, but also strengthens performance and shortens the regeneration phase, it is also excellent for athletes. Because Cordyceps has a tropism (focus on the organ) to the lungs, its use is very beneficial for respiratory problems associated with lower immunity. It is not used for acute conditions such as flu, colds. The ability to strengthen the lungs can be used in coughs, including those of asthma and other lung problems (such as COPD or emphysema). It is also suitable for allergies in children. Not to be overlooked is the harmonization of the psyche that Cordyceps (along with Reishi) has thanks to the An Shen effect. (1)
Warning: we recommend not serving in the evening (possible only in case of great exhaustion)! Not suitable for insomnia, acute inflammation or diseases accompanied by fever. In pregnancy only after consultation with a doctor.
The amount of bioactive compounds that act on it is valuable to the human body. Isolated compounds can act independently. However, the interaction of these compounds is much more important, as a result they have an effect on the whole organism and can thrive much better. (2)
More than 10 nucleosides and derived compounds are one of the reasons why Cordyceps is so beneficial to humans. In particular, for example, adenosine, adenine, guanine, guanosine, cytidine, inosine, hypoxanthine, cytosine and also cordycepin appear in this fungus. Nucleosides bind to receptors in body cells, including nerve and immune cells. This then regulates cellular functions. In the case of immune cells (macrophages), after the binding of adenosine to the receptor, the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factor may increase - for example, it takes care of the renewal of blood vessels. The cordycepin component, which is 3'-deoxyadenosine, stands out especially in Cordyceps. It is important mainly for the successful management of the fight against cancer cells. It blocks proliferation by binding to the adenosine receptor A3, then the proliferation of cancer cells does not occur and thus apoptotic processes begin, which in turn lead to the destruction of the cancer cell. Cordycepin is also responsible for neutralizing free radicals or altering the activity of the immune system, counteracting the development of atherosclerosis and protecting the cardiovascular system. Some studies report that administration of this substance reduces pain and increases the production of sex hormones.
Nucleotides are also found in Cordyceps, in particular, for example, uridine 5-monophosphate (UMP), guanosine 5-monophosphate (GMP) or adenosine 5-monophosphate (AMP). Their effect lies in strengthening the immune system, regulating fatty acid metabolism and also in supporting the absorption of iron from the digestive tract. Healing and restoration of damaged tissue is also an important function.
Fungi belong more to plants, but they also hide a lot of proteins such as enzymes. In Cordyceps, it is mainly DNases that cleave DNA, but also serine proteinases that help dissolve blood clots (they have a fibrinolytic effect). In addition to complex proteins, Cordyceps also contains building blocks, amino acids. There are also essential amino acids that the body cannot make on its own, so it needs to supply them. An example is tryptophan, from which serotonin is formed, an important neurotransmitter that is deficient in depression. Cordyceps also lacks polypeptides, compounds with more than 10 amino acids. Many of them can dilate blood vessels, regulate blood pressure, kill cancer cells, neutralize free radicals or counteract inflammation. Polypeptides include, for example, myriocin, which can kill pathogenic bacteria, as well as cordycedipeptide A, cordymin, cordyceamides A and B.
Sterol compounds are particularly unique in their cytotoxic effects, which act against cancer cells, but also bacteria or yeast. There are many of these sterol compounds in Cordyceps. Ergosterol and its compounds such as erg3ergosterol, ceraterol, ergosterol peroxide, β-sitosterol, daucosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, H1-A are most represented. Sitosterol is suitable for a thickened prostate, which also has a preventive effect against breast, prostate or colon cancer. Other sterols such as stigmasterol and campesterol reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine into the bloodstream. Sterol H1-A can effectively support the regeneration of the kidneys, while being able to destroy cells, including cancer cells. Its effect on the immune system is interesting. It moderates its activity, so it is possible to use H1-A well in autoimmune diseases.
Fats and free fatty acids
Like seeds, nuts or animals, Cordyceps contains fats and even 28 saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (lauric, pentadecyl, christic, oleic, palmitoleic, palmitic or stearic). Fatty acids are building blocks, it is possible to synthesize other products from them, but also to influence processes in the body directly by binding to receptors on cells. In this way, they are involved in regulating the metabolism of sugars, fats and the activity of the immune system. For example, palmitic acid binds to cell receptors in the pancreas, where insulin is produced. Binding enhances insulin synthesis and release into the circulation. This lowers blood glucose.
Compound sugars (polysaccharides) are an essential component of Cordyceps. Polysaccharides are unique in their anti-cancer and anti-infective activity. Because they are involved in harmonizing the functioning of the immune system, not only are free radicals neutralized, but blood and fat sugars are also reduced. They are divided into extracellular (extracellular, exopolysaccharides) and intracellular, which are part of the cells. The effects of polysaccharides then depend on them. It therefore depends on what monosaccharides they are composed of, how they are branched and what their molecular weight is. So far, glucans appear to be the most important, with Cordyceps containing both alpha and beta species. Fungi form EPS or extracellular polysaccharides, and then release them. Their molecular weight reaches 5–200 kDa, so they are smaller and still excel in significant antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity. This also includes the molecule EPS-1A (slightly branched polysaccharide (1 → 6) -α-d-glucose and (1 → 6) -α-d-mannose). Strong antioxidant properties, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer properties are typical of intracellular polysaccharides (IPS), which are extracted from fungal mycelia or Cordyceps. The largest group consists of glucans, especially 1,3-α-D-glucans, 1,3-β-D-glucans and 1,4-α-D-glucans. The molecular weight is between 7.7-180 kDa, thus reaching higher values than that of extracellular polysaccharides. The strongest antioxidants are IPS with a molecular weight of 8.1-460 kDa. They have anti-inflammatory properties and can strengthen the immune system. Anti-cancer properties are important, and IPS can lower cholesterol and glycemia. This includes glucan CPS-2, which can also be used to protect and enhance the functioning of failing kidneys. The polysaccharide CPS-1 (branched glucomannnogalactan) is important for its immunostimulatory effects. It is isolated from mycelia and can further neutralize free radicals and lower blood glucose. The antioxidant power can be compared to vitamin C. Chitin, insoluble polysaccharide and insoluble fiber are needed to support peristalsis and the composition of the intestinal microflora. Cordyceps also contains separate monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides. An example is D-mannitol, known as a sweetener, but it is used in medicine at elevated intracranial pressure because it increases fluid excretion.
Other important components of Cordyceps
In order to complete the idea of the richness of the components of Cordyceps, it is necessary to mention other substances as well. In addition to vitamins (D, E, K, B vitamins and some vitamin C), these are also minerals and trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc and selenium). Anti-inflammatory aurantiamides are valued for their analgesic properties that reduce pain. Melanin is a powerful antioxidant and part of the pigment of the human body, thanks to which the color is added to the eyes, hair and skin. Among neurotransmitters, we have already mentioned serotonin, which is based on tryptophan. Cordyceps also contains secondary metabolites, as well as another neurotransmitter with a rather moderate effect: GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). The metabolite is also lovastatin, which lowers lipid levels. Ergothionein can be mentioned as a "new" amino acid. He is responsible for protecting cells from damage and neutralizing free radicals. Cordysinins are known primarily for their anti-inflammatory effects and relief of oxidative stress because they act to limit the formation of superoxide ions.
We have already mentioned some of the effects of the individual components. These effects subsequently accumulate throughout the fungus and the overall properties are enhanced.
Cordyceps excels in very versatile use
It can be said that you can use this healthy mushroom for almost any ailment. He is even a specialist for some. And because it is best to base these facts on scientific studies, several of them can be offered, in addition, Cordyceps has tested centuries of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The results of the studies come from experiments not only on cell cultures and laboratory animals, but it is also important to mention volunteers.
Cordyceps can manage cancer cells
Cancer is on the rise, but fortunately this serious disease does not necessarily mean death. Many types of cancer growth have an inherited basis (e.g., BRCA genes in breast cancer). Some develop on the basis of infection (cervical cancer) or inappropriate lifestyle (colon and lung cancer). Depending on the type and severity of the disease, treatment is chosen, which is often quite aggressive and has a serious impact on the patient. Therefore, new ways are being sought to treat this disease without weakening the person too much. One of the possibilities is to use Cordyceps. This fungus is tested on cell cultures created from various types of cancers and examined how cancer cells respond to Cordyceps or its extracted components. It has been shown that cancer cells stop dividing due to this fungus. Because the cell cycle is stopped, the tumor cannot enlarge. As a result of consuming Cordyceps, cancer cells undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) because the intracellular signaling pathway is activated, and then caspases and the cell die. Thus, Cordyceps acts on bowel, lung, lymphoma, fibrosarcoma, breast, prostate and testicular cancer. At the same time, it is important to mention that the fungus does not harm healthy cells. Cordyceps is also involved in reducing metastasis (the ability of cancer cells to pass from the tumor mass into the lymphatic or vascular stream). It not only acts directly on the cells and their motility, but also limits the cleavage of intercellular tissue. With this protection, the cancer cell simply cannot enter. The results in cell cultures are very similar to those in laboratory animal experiments, which are usually rats and mice with cancer. Sick animals receive Cordyceps. Then their condition is compared with sick animals that received nothing. It turns out that the animals that took Cordyceps lived longer and had a smaller tumor mass and far fewer metastases. This fungus has also been beneficial in mice with glioblastoma, a very aggressive, essentially incurable type of tumor. Cordyceps is very impressive in that it not only affects cancer cells directly, but also strengthens anti-tumor immunity. The immune system can thus become much more active and more effective in the fight against cancer. (3, 4)
Cordyceps supports the immune system
Cordyceps is significantly involved in the activities of the immune system. It mainly affects the cellular component, ie cells of innate immunity (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils), as well as the cells of acquired immunity (lymphocytes). The overall effect on the activity of immune cells results in an increase in the production of highly desirable protective antibodies. (5)
Cordyceps also regenerates and strengthens the mucous membranes and skin, through which danger can penetrate the body, for example in the form of bacteria. Immune cells respond primarily to polysaccharides, for which they have receptors on their surface. By binding the polysaccharide to the receptor, activation of intracellular processes takes place. These can then lead to the formation of other actions that can kill bacteria (defensins, lactoferrin) and also cytokines - these affect the activity of other parts of the immune system (eg IL-1, TNF-alpha, IL-6). With regard to, for example, macrophages and dendritic cells, there is an increase in phagocytosis, which is the ability to absorb, process, or even destroy foreign particles, i.e. also bacteria or virions. Parts of the absorbed particles subsequently expose these cells on their surface. There, they can be recognized by other immune cells, here specifically T lymphocytes, which then activate B lymphocytes, and thus the production of antibodies. In this way, it helps defend against infections, but also against cancer cells. In addition to activating effects, Cordyceps may reduce immune activity. This case occurs when it is pathologically elevated for a long time. In this way, the immune system is harmonized. It suppresses chronic inflammation, reduces the incidence of allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases. Based on studies in volunteers, it is possible to confirm the benefit of consuming Cordyceps, for example, in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, whose autoantibody levels have decreased after taking this medicinal fungus. Successful experiments were performed on mice to confirm efficacy in systemic lupus. There was a reduction in airway inflammation or airway hyperresponsiveness and also a reduction in mucosal damage in asthmatic mice. Other clinical studies have looked at whether it is worth using Cordyceps in transplants. Immunosuppressants must be given to prevent the immune system from hindering the transplant. The donated organ could be destroyed. A study in kidney transplant patients revealed that if Cordyceps was added to the usual therapy, the body would better absorb the organ and the patient would recover.
Positive effect of Cordyceps on sugar levels
Many types of medicinal mushrooms boast that they have a beneficial effect on diabetes, that is, that there is a decrease in glycemia in diabetics. In particular, diabetic rodents that have become artificially ill with streptozocin are selected for the experiments. Hyperglycemia occurs - an increase in blood sugar levels because the damaged pancreas produces less insulin. If blood sugar levels are elevated for a long time, the sugar moieties also bind to the blood pigment. Glycated hemoglobin then appears in the blood. However, when diabetic rodents receive Cordyceps, glycemia decreases, as does glycated hemoglobin concentration, and insulin secretion increases. The reason is the protection and regeneration of the pancreatic tissue, which is taken care of by this medicinal fungus. In addition, the cells show a better sensitivity to insulin, the reason being the transfer of glucose from the blood to the cells. If the cells ignore the insulin, the glucose will not disappear from the blood. Thus, the experiments confirmed the possibility of using Cordyceps to control blood glucose. (6)
Antioxidant activity of Cordyceps
Free oxygen and nitrogen radicals, such as hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion, hydroxyl anion, peroxinitrite, damage cells, but also do important work. This is the fight against some pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. The toxicity of these radicals lies in the disruption of cell membranes, in the peroxidation of lipids, but also in the disruption of DNA. Their mutagenic and carcinogenic effects are a danger to the body, and they also accelerate degenerative processes in the body. Larger amounts of free radicals are caused by stress, after exposure to UV radiation, but the cause is also a polluted environment or, for example, long-term inflammation. The body can, to a certain extent, manage on its own, but if there is an excess of radicals, it is necessary to supplement antioxidants with food. Also in this case, Cordyceps can help, because it is rich in ingredients that can scavenge and neutralize free radicals. Testing in free radical solutions has shown the great effectiveness of Cordyceps in neutralizing the superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical. Animal experiments were also performed. Administration of Cordyceps resulted in a decrease in oxidative stress, as well as an increase in the activity of the body's own enzymes that neutralize free radicals (eg glutathione peroxidase). We add the ability to reduce oxidative stress to the prevention of cancer and degenerative processes, so we evaluate Cordyceps very positively in this regard. (5)
Cordyceps rejuvenates
Traditional Chinese medicine has been using Cordyceps for centuries. He sees its importance mainly as a boost for the body and psyche and in its ability to accelerate convalescence. Similar results are achieved by Western medicine through studies. A few lines above, we described Cordyceps' struggle with free radicals, which is important in "rejuvenation." Experiments on mice that were artificially "aged" and given D-galactose showed the positive effects of this fungus. Mice have improved responses to stimuli, gained better skills for acquiring new information, and easier learning and remembering information. In addition, there was an increase in potency. It is possible to say that basically the whole organism has been restored. (7)
Cordyceps eliminates infections
Cordyceps is valuable for its diverse range of substances with a devastating effect on bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, then it can better fight infections. The effects of the viruses have been tested, for example, on virus-infected cells or on animals in which frequent administration of Cordyceps has been associated with a longer lifespan. A valuable ability of this fungus is to disrupt the synthesis of viral RNA and DNA, so the virus cannot multiply. It is also used in HIV, where reverse transcriptase is blocked. Cordyceps also has excellent results in hepatitis C. It is important to say that the anti-hepatitis effects have also been confirmed in patients who have received Cordyceps for their current therapy. The condition of these patients has significantly improved and viral exposure has been reduced. Cordyceps is not just an antiviral. Even many bacteria, including the very dangerous ones, are stopped thanks to a clever fungus. The tests are usually performed directly on bacterial colonies to which Cordyceps is added and awaiting the result. For example, in streptococci, colony growth is limited, and bacteria no longer multiply. Rats infected with streptococci have a better condition and longer life after administration of Cordyceps than rats that die from infection. It works similarly for yeast, including candida. (8)
The effect of Cordyceps on sexual and reproductive activity
Cordyceps has a positive effect on the whole body, including increased libido, potency and reproductive abilities. This fungus allows the growth of male sex hormone production in the body. Sexual activity increases and sperm production increases and improves, which affects their quality and motility. (9) Another of Cordyceps' capabilities is to relax and dilate blood vessels. This is important in erectile dysfunction, as it can also be caused by impaired genital blood flow. In women, Cordyceps supports the production of 17 β-estradiol (estrogen) and acts similarly to men - it perfuses and gives the genitals greater sensitivity, strengthens sexual desire and experience. Because Cordyceps increases hormone levels, it is also used during periods when hormone levels fall, such as with aging. (10)
To strengthen the condition
We have already mentioned the effect of Cordyceps on the whole organism, its strengthening and toning. Similarly, he can turn with fatigue, whether physical or mental. It is suitable for strengthening not only athletes, but also for all people, including mental workers. The ability of Cordyceps to delay physical fatigue has been proven, which can be used, for example, in sports performance. Attempts have been made especially with top athletes, who tend to be very stressful. When using Cordyceps, their active performance is longer, fatigue is delayed. This fungus contains energy-rich compounds, which allow better cellular respiration, as well as muscle oxygenation and the use of oxygen in the body. Cordyceps eliminates the risk of overtraining and is very beneficial after the end of sports performance, at the time of regeneration. At the same time, the lactate accumulated in the muscles can be broken down more quickly. Another positive is better muscle regeneration, because various micro-injuries appear after exercise. Similar experiments were performed in mice and rats. They swim in a water cylinder, and when they receive Cordyceps, they swim about 20 minutes longer without being exhausted than rodents without Cordyceps. Cordyceps also helps with stress and fatigue because its antidepressant effects have been proven. Its administration to mice improves the ability to adapt to new conditions, improves reactions, mice learn better and are more mobile. The cause is affecting the adrenergic and dopaminergic system in the nervous system. Another reason is the increase in serotonin (an antidepressant neurotransmitter). (11)
Cordyceps and its effect on individual organs
Cordyceps is able to regenerate and protect a wide range of organs in the human body. In addition to the already mentioned pancreas (in connection with diabetes), it is the liver and kidneys. Because many pollutants pass through the kidneys, they are a highly stressed organ. They are often targeted by autoimmune inflammations. Decreased renal function or even the need for dialysis or transplantation is not a completely unique phenomenon. Cordyceps can also be reached in these cases. Beneficial effects on renal status have been demonstrated in studies. For example, in one experiment in rats, the blood supply to the kidneys was stopped (ischemia), leading to their destruction. The kidneys are very sensitive. The damage also remains after the resumption of blood flow, which may not always be beneficial for these organs. Sometimes the kidneys even get worse. The kidneys of Cordyceps rats had far better kidney condition than those without the medicinal fungus. The effects of Cordyceps were not only preventive in nature - they protected against cell death, but also alleviated the inflammation caused by the procedure, as it largely neutralized the rapidly growing amount of free radicals. (5)
Beneficial effect on the kidneys
Mention may also be made of renal sclerosis, a process in which mesangial cells proliferate. These cells form an intercellular mass that replaces functional tissue. Cordyceps allows a great slowing down, sometimes also stopping of these processes. The kidney functions can be up and running. It is important to mention that, thanks to Cordyceps, the kidneys are also protected from toxic damage, in particular from cyclosporin A (it is used, for example, in transplants or autoimmune diseases). If the patient has to take this medicine, the great news is that consuming Cordyceps will reduce the drug-induced kidney damage. Not only the kidneys but also the liver are very stressed. Cordyceps will help in this case as well. The liver can regenerate well, but the negative effect can be overwhelmed and, as a result, the liver becomes fat, subject to cirrhosis or fibrosis, or cancer. This can be caused by increased fat levels, infections or even a high intake of toxic substances. Cordyceps is certainly also a solution for infectious diseases - hepatitis C and B. By lowering lipid levels, it reduces the storage in the liver and at the same time protects the liver tissue from toxic substances, including free radicals. At the same time, fibrotic processes are reduced, in which non-functional tissue is formed instead of functional. Cordyceps is used in this case in the degradation of collagen, which is behind fibrotization. In the liver and kidneys, the properties of Cordyceps are used with regard to the prevention of damage and at the same time the regeneration of damaged tissue. (5)
Effect of Cordyceps on fats
Thus, hyperlipidemia, elevated lipid levels, is a problem for a large portion of the human population. The most common is higher cholesterol, which does not hurt, but can be a major health complication such as atherosclerosis or acute conditions representing a heart or cerebral infarction. Because fats are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, where inflammation develops, the blood vessels enlarge, lose elasticity, and are damaged. In addition, atomic plates are formed, which reduce the lumen of the vessels. The blood vessels may also rupture, the clotting system may activate, or thrombi and some other problems may form. It is important to monitor lipid levels, and if it is elevated, it is advisable to address this condition. You can start with a diet, at higher levels medications are needed. However, you can also try Cordyceps. Experiments, especially in laboratory animals, have confirmed a reduction in the levels of lipids, i.e. LDL triglycerides and total cholesterol, in animals fed a high fat diet in those cases where the animals received Cordyceps. Cordyceps also reduces the accumulation of lipids in the liver and increases good cholesterol (HDL). At the same time, a decrease in fat accumulation in fat cells, adipocytes, or also a decrease in lipase activity produced by the pancreas was confirmed. It supports the digestion of fats in the intestine, which then more easily get into the bloodstream. If the activity is lower, fats may be more excreted from the body in the faeces. Cordyceps significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and can lead to weight loss. (5)
The overall benefit of Cordyceps
Because Cordyceps is still being studied, our article does not cover everything about the composition and effects of Cordyceps. Even so, it is clear that this is a very versatile mushroom, which can be of great help to the human body. At the same time, it must be emphasized once again that, despite the components described individually and their effects, Cordyceps acts as a whole on the human body, and the effects multiply. It affects the immune system while regulating sugar and fat levels. Not to mention tissue protection or performance improvement. To date, there are not a large number of human clinical trials and there is no standardized product that uses all studies. A different extract and a different preparation are used for each. However, the result is always the same, namely that Cordyceps benefits the health of animals, including humans. You can read more details about the studies, advice and articles on our website.