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List of products by brand NaturalSwiss

NaturalSwiss is a company with extensive experience in the field of detoxification and cleansing of the body. Since its inception in 2006, it has become an internationally recognized brand with a number of international awards, with representation in 13 countries. The Clean Inside® and ToxiClean® programs have been used by more than a million consumers worldwide . The company collaborates with several doctors and specialists and publishes highly rated professional articles. NaturalSwiss products are made from natural ingredients and are approved by the GMP Public Health Office. Highly effective products help maintain your health.

Professional background

MuDr. Csaba Podlupszki

He studied at the Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, where he successfully graduated in 1997. In 2000 he supplemented his knowledge with the 1st qualification attestation in the field of internal medicine and later in 2004 with the 2nd qualification attestation in the field of gastroenterology. He works as a specialist in a gastroenterological outpatient clinic. He uses NaturalSwiss products himself and recommends them to his patients.

Dr. Barbara Márkus

Healer, psychotherapist, instructor. He is engaged in research of pathogens, mapping of biochemical systems of the organism, natural healing methods. In his outpatient clinic, he also examines diseases and pathogens of the scalp and face. She teaches alternative medicine and healing methods at Savaria University in Sombathelya, a branch of Lóránd Eötvös University.

Gotthard Annamária

Health herbalist, trainer - dietitian, writer and passionate supporter of natural health. She holds a degree in phytotherapy (natural medicine) from Britain's College of Phytotherapy.


"You are what you eat" - Hippocrates.

In our modern society, it is very easy to forget that we are an integral part of nature and our body is part of a complex living system that can support and nourish us. When we are healthy, it means that our body has successfully adapted to our lifestyle and environment. Then we are in harmony with the rhythm of nature and in balance with ourselves. However, when we are sick - we feel bad. Our body sends us a signal that the body has a disturbed balance, so it cannot keep up with natural cycles. Herbal cleansing helps the body recover and allows it to regain its balance. With its help and by changing eating habits, our body can begin to excrete accumulated toxic deposits.

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